The Coves is Naturally Perfect
Our naturally perfect environment is the defining element of what it means to live at The Coves. Our lifestyle and property values are closely linked to our environment: the farming and natural areas of the estate.
Management of our environment comprises three main elements: farming our arable land, conservation of the bio-diversity of our open spaces and landscaping our common areas and gardens. These are overseen by an Environmental Committee with implementation by a dedicated environmental team.
Farming at The Coves
The pivots, barns and other legacies of our farming heritage run deep in the appeal of our rural lifestyle. Our farming operations have been maintained and enhanced over the years with little direct cost to owners.
We have three pivots on which we cultivate grasses and legumes that are cut and baled, as well as provide grazing for our blesbok herd.

Conservation at The Coves
The Coves has a formal Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that provides guidelines and directions for the sustainability of the natural, indigenous and bio-diverse environment of the estate.
Easily seen and heard on the estate include Jackal, Blesbok, Bushbabies, Vervet Monkeys, Scrub Hare, Porcupine, Mongoose, Suricate (Meercat), Tortoise and several species of frog. We plan to introduce additional species of antelope and other mammals to the estate. We have an active birding community with 206 species on the list of birds spotted at The Coves over the last ten years.
An important part of our environment management is the control of alien trees, scrubs and weeds as well as ensuring the health of our dams, waterways and maintenance of our extensive Hartbeespoort Dam shoreline.
We have a dedicated team caring for our gardens and common areas